気を放つ風景 photography


出口 衆太郎

出口 衆太郎 Shutaro Ideguchi

 鹿児島生まれ。家業が映像制作会社だったこともあり、7、8歳の頃よりカメラ・8ミリを手にして万物を写す。武蔵野美術大学卒業。 自然生命への関心から自然の風景とその土地のコスモロジーの探求に向かい、風水を研究するようになる。国内外の自然の聖地を巡り、その気配を写真、文章で各誌に発表してきた。一方、気功、太極拳をしながら自然を観想するなかで、自己と自然との融合を幾度となく体験する。瞑想と写真撮影を融合し、「気を放つ風景」と題して写真展を各地で開催してきた。
 著書に『体感パワースポット』(BAB ジャパン)、『身のこなしのメソッド』(春秋社)、『気と気功の科学』(新人物往来社、共著)、ビデオに『気の国、熊野』(BAB ジャパン)、『黄山・気功』(BAB ジャパン)『自然身法 中心を攻める螺旋の極意』(クエスト)他多数。

Feng Shui photographer, Qigong / Tai Chi master. President of Tao Life Design Institute, Representative of Sizen Sinpou Academy.
Born in Kagoshima. Since his family business was a movie production company, he has been shooting everything with a 8mm film camera since he was 7 or 8 years old. He graduated from Musashino Art University. His interest in nature and life led him to explore the natural landscape and the cosmology of the land, and to study Feng Shui. He has visited the sacred natural sites at home and abroad, and published the signs in photographs and texts in various magazines. On the other hand, imagining nature while practice of qigong and tai chi, he experienced the fusion of self and nature many times. He has combined meditation and photography and has held photo exhibitions around the world entitled "Landscapes radiate Qi".
He has also held seminars and workshops all over Japan as a Feng Shui artist.
Workshops for natural environment and peace, participation in “Showa no Mori Circle de Earth“ in Chiba Prefecture in 1989, “Workshop for Interaction with Nature“ at Kawasaki Ciy Museum, “Prayer in Hiroshima“ in 1995, “Ritual to Acupuncture the Earth“, “Prayer for Life“ with a esoteric Buddhist priest at “Kenji Centennial Festival“ in Hanamaki in 1996 . “Prayer to the Earth“ with Mayan master Enrique at Gundari Shrine in Yamanashi Prefecture in 1998 .
His books include "Experience Power Spots" (BAB Japan), "Method of Minokonasi" (Shunjusha), "Science of Qi and Qigong" (Shin Jinbutsu Oraisha, co-authored). His videos include "Ki no Kuni, Kumano" (BAB Japan), "Huangshan Qigong" (BAB Japan), "Sizen Sinpou: The Secret of the Spiral Attacking the Center" (Quest) and many others.

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