気を放つ風景 photography



気を放つ風景 photography


風水フォトグラファー 出口 衆太郎

題字:書家 小熊廣美 揮毫

Ki wo hanatsu Fukei - Landscapes radiate Qi

I have traveled to various sacred places and experienced the signs of nature. If you relax your body and calm your mind, you will feel that you and nature merge into one. Imagining nature, those who see and what are seen are fused and the universe reveals its truth and its power. I have captured the vibrations of the signs that occur when the self and nature respond to each other. Qi is a delicate natural wave created by light and shape, and it is also a memory of my mind and body that resonates with it. I hope that you will feel the brilliance of the energy and the healing vibrations that lead to deep relaxation of the mind and body emitted from the nature - sky, clouds, mountains and rivers, vegetation, and the sunlight.

Shutaro Ideguchi, Feng shui photographer

Title: Calligraphed by Hiromi Oguma

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